How Long Can You Live with Mesothelioma Cancer?

Mesothelioma is known as a cancer that needs a long time to develop. This cancer will happen mostly when someone is in continuous contact with asbestos for the long time. There are four types of mesothelioma based on the location of the cancer development: lungs (pleural), heart (pericardial), abdomen (peritoneal) and testicular. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that needs to be properly taken care. However, most people realized about the condition when the cancer has already reached severe level. This is not good but can be prevented with the regular health checkup. But what if mesothelioma is detected?

survivor of mesothelioma can live longer
A lot of people will get sad and panic when hearing the news about cancer in their bodies. The question will be about life expectancy. How long can someone live as the patient of mesothelioma cancer? According to the experts, it is difficult to determine the life expectancy of mesothelioma in general because every case of mesothelioma often has differences here and there. Roughly speaking about it, there are about 40% patients of mesothelioma who survive for about one year after the disease discovery. The percentage is definitely not a real good one even for the roughly spoken percentage.

What about the other percentage? For about 20% patients of mesothelioma cancer are able to survive for about two years. There are also many people who fight for their life against mesothelioma and some of them survive for even more than two years. As mentioned above, the experts stated that determining the life expectancy of mesothelioma cancer patients will not be easy. There are several factors that will affect the survival rate. These factors naturally need to be considered in order to find out the best treatment to be done in order to fight mesothelioma cancer. Those factors include:
·         Cancer Related Factors
o    Cancer stage
o    Location
o    Cell type
·         Non-Cancer Related Factors
o    Overall body health
o    Gender
o    Age
o    Characteristics of blood

Some people are able to survive for the longer time. These people find their way to fight cancer and continue to live on for longer time. The fight is long and sets of treatments must be done properly for the best result. Depending on the factors mentioned above, the experts will advice the different medical treatments to the patients. The most positive results usually come from the multimodal therapy. This is the therapy where surgery, radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy will be done together.

There are also the reports stating that patients of mesothelioma receive benefits from alternative treatments such as acupuncture, massage, yoga and others. The healthier lifestyle is recommended by the survivors of the mesothelioma cancer. Patients of mesothelioma will need to start healthier lifestyle by eating the healthier foods, getting enough liquids every day as well as the regular exercise. Certainly, it can be rather uneasy but will be beneficial in slowing down the cells of mesothelioma cancer from growing. The experts stated that a lot of patients of mesothelioma are able to live longer than five years by carefully and diligently follow medical treatments, regular exercise and getting balanced nutrients.

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